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Born in 1964 in West Germany, Heike decided 1980 to explore the world by her own. After 4 years work and travel she came back from her last job in Buenos Aires in a photo laboratory.

In Wiesbaden she trained for 3 years as a tailor in a studio.

1990 she moved to Hamburg to study costume design. 

At night she worked in so called Kiez bars of Hamburg St. Pauli, while she studied at daytime. As a freelancer she created costumes for theatre plays and opera in Hamburg, Kiel and Eisenach. She finished her studies as a Dipl. Designer for Costumes.

For 2 years she worked as a costume assistent for Anna Viebrock at the Deutsches Schauspielhaus Hamburg. 

1999 after moving to Berlin with her sons she started her career as a costume designer for films and commercials.. 

In addition to the costume design, Heike's passions are still traveling and photography. In 2021 she startet to live part time in Artá, Mallorca.

Heike Fademrecht, Filmcostumes,  Kostümbildner, Costume Design, Berlin & Worldwide

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